Nottingham Nature Nook



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Stewards of Nature Blog


Mar 22, 2024

Image of snow-covered Nottingham Nature Nook (March 2024)

Although March welcomes in the arrival of spring with the melodious songs of birds and the blooming Crocus and Daffodils it also brings in the cold winds and dreary rain and snow. With the invitation of 6 days in the Florida sun I happily left for the Keys with my husband in mid-March. The first day there I visited a sea turtle rehabilitation center and I marveled at the amazing work they were doing to save sea turtles. During the mornings of my stay I watched with rapture as dolphins swam by and pelicans, egrets and even a bald eagle flew overhead. As wonderful as this all was, by the end of my trip I was ready to return to my northern sanctuary and to the animals I loved.

The wonderful part about nature is that is provides something for everyone. For some it is the ocean or lakes, for others the forests and mountains, and still others find their place in the dessert. No matter where it is, we all need to find that place in nature so that we can calm our minds and nourish our spirit.

 If I had to chose one word to describe how I feel when I am here at the Nook it would be contentment. The Oxford dictionary defines contentment as “a state of happiness and satisfaction.” Although happiness is a more intense emotion it is often short-lived. On the other hand, contentment is a longer lasting sense of peace and fulfillment with life. Contentment is also a state of mind that can be developed from gratitude. Often, the simple blessings in nature provide the greatest gratitude in every day.

The more time that we are able to spend in nature the more we realize the important connection that we share with all creatures. I realize that I am blessed to live my life surrounded by nature and wildlife. However, I also know that the contentment that I feel when I am here at Nottingham is something I can carry with me, no matter where I go. May you all find contentment in the simple blessings that nature brings to you every day.

Love and Blessings, Cheryl

